Home decor fabric is the life and lifeline of any interior décor project.
Home decor fabric IS home.
Every room, every space uses fabric to make life comfortable.
Curtain fabrics dress our windows and keep the light out or let the light in. And upholstery fabrics allow us to be cozy, safe, and enveloped in beauty,
From soft absorbent towels in the bathroom, bedspreads, sheets, and pillows, home décor fabrics are essential to our lives.
Fabrics in a tropical climate have a whole range of challenges.
People ask me about curtains. In certain climates, like the lowland tropical rainforest, fabric curtains don’t work because the fabric gets dirty, moldy, and harbors insects. Homebuilders love to create large glass windows and sliding glass doors to take advantage of the view of the ocean. But no matter how spectacular sunset is, remember that hours of the steady sun beating into a room creates a lot of warmth!
I recommend sliding panels or roll-ups made with a PVC material that resembles fabric but resists mold and protects from UV rays. In Costa Rica checkout Canet.
Home decor fabrics for outdoor furniture are a vital part of life in the tropics. Whether you’re watching a rainstorm from a covered porch, lounging around the pool, or enjoying barbecues, all involve upholstered outdoor furniture. But unless it is a specific outdoor fabric such as Sunbrella or Waverly fabric the beauty is short-lived.
Strong tropical sun, salt breeze, and high humidity are the biggest challenges to home decor fabrics for outdoor living.
Rugs in the Tropics
Floor coverings are a very specific challenge and most people avoid the question altogether. Traditional fabric rugs with fiber, no matter how short, don’t hold up well in tropical weather.
Many homes are located on or near the beach. Sand becomes a permanent part of any traditional rug, no matter the vacuum, and who wants to spend their days vacuuming?
The trial of humidity, dirt, mold, water, and dust, make the prospect of any type of rug daunting
Many interior designers in Costa Rica are turning to the option of hand-painted canvas rugs. because of their design possibilities. And they’re sealed with several coats of polyurethane! Canvas rugs are impervious to sand, mold, dust, and moisture.
This is a home decor fabric that works on the floor, in any shape, size, and custom color to fit in, contrast with, or complement all of the fabrics in the home.
When you’re building your dream home in the tropics, or remodeling and looking to replace home décor fabrics keep in mind that selecting the right fabric for this climate is of utmost importance,
I’m here to consult with you on any of these aspects and design a custom canvas rug for your home, making it as unique as you are.