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Area Rug Design -We Do It for You

area rug
Completed Custom Area Rug

Design My Own Area Rug?

To some, designing an area rug for their home is an awesome prospect. But to others, it seems impossible and overwhelming. Most people go out and buy an area rug and that’s it.

There are many reasons why not everyone can use a traditional area rug. They may have severe allergies, dogs, or live in an environment such as the beach, desert or the country where maintaining a fiber rug makes life very difficult if not impossible.

There is an Alternative

So you’ve discovered there is an alternative to traditional area rugs. And I’m so excited to help you design a unique piece of art for your home. And you say, “Whoa! As much as you love the collaboration of creating an area rug for a client’s home, not everyone has the creative gene.”

What I have learned is that people know what they like and what they don’t. Once presented with design options the picture becomes clearer.

Photos are an important part of seeing into the existing home décor. If you happen to live in Costa Rica we present the option of a home visit to discuss designs and colors. We also work with interior designers who are starting from scratch and designing the whole interior décor concept. We can also photoshop a design into your photo so you can see what it will look like.

Altering an Existing Design

One option is to use one of our existing designs and change colors and parameters of the design to fit into your home.When I first started out making canvas rugs 10 years ago, my idea was to create area rug designs on canvas.

Natural Fiber Look

For many, having a natural fiber rug “look” on canvas is a perfect solution. For others, they want art on the floor and we’ve painted many designs such as the Macaw Design, Pink Leopards, and the abstract Circle Rug design.

Your home may have a theme that a canvas rug design fits into, for example, the Mexican Tile or the Tibet Designs.

Laurels Originals offers three design concepts free of charge.

We can keep working on one option fine tuning it or offer up three different designs for a specific area rug. Once presented with options you may have a clearer idea of what resonates with you. After all, you will be living with our canvas rugs for a long time.

design work
Trial Design Work

Many clients use the Toll-Free number to discuss designs once they’re received their photos. One of the more important aspects is the color choice made easy by selecting colors from the Sherwin-Williams palette ensuring the exact colors you want for your floor.

I hope you feel more at ease about the prospect of designing your own area rug. You can send us a photo and we’ll translate it into an area rug design. We can alter or replicate and existing design.

We can create something absolutely new and fabulous just for you. It’s our passion, what makes Laurels Originals tick, makes us thrive. We’ll get you excited too! Just contact Laurel and let’s get started!

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1 thought on “Area Rug Design -We Do It for You”

  1. Hi, Laurel
    I’m interested in a canvas floorcloth, about 3×5, to go in my living room. I loved your Aboriginals one on Esty, but have sought you out separately because I could never get Esty’s site to work.

    If I were to send you a picture of the room and the colors in it, could you help me? I am debating between simply a solid color floor cloth or something with a sophisticated design. I don’t like “Americana”.

    Is there a way I can attach photos?

    Thank you!


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